Lissner's business is based on close and long-term relationships with customers and suppliers. We strive to be regarded as a trustworthy, long-term and reliable business partner. Therefore, it is important for us to have high standards for integrity and ethics. Lissner must comply with applicable laws and regulations, and chooses to cooperate with suppliers who share our principles. Our principles are based on the guidelines from the UN Global Compact.
Everyone who directly or indirectly works for Lissner has the right to have their basic human rights fulfilled in accordance with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Terms of employment
The terms of employment, including pay and working hours, which are offered to our employees must at least meet the minimum requirements in national legislation and collective agreements. All employees must have written employment contracts and be informed of the terms of employment. Salary, working hours and conditions must be fair and reasonable.
Work environment
We strive to be a respected employer and continuously improve health and safety in the workplace. We must ensure a good working environment from a physical, psychological and social point of view and strive to be an attractive employer. The necessary safety measures must be made available, including relevant information. The relationship with and between employees must be based on mutual respect. We must, as a minimum, comply with national health and safety laws as well as the health and safety provisions resulting from concluded agreements and/or collective agreements.
Child labor
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the ILO Convention on the Minimum Age for Access to Employment and the ILO Convention on the Prohibition of and Immediate Action to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor form the guidelines for all our activities.
Disciplinary measures
Employees must be treated with respect and dignity. No employee may under any circumstances be subjected to corporal punishment or other forms of physical, sexual or psychological punishment, harassment or coercion. No deductions may be made from the salary as a disciplinary penalty, unless this is covered by a collective agreement or is done in accordance with the law.
Freedom of association
Employees must be free to exercise their statutory right to be a member of, establish or work for organizations that represent their interests as workers.
Equality, diversity and discrimination
We do not allow discrimination or harassment of any kind. Lissner's employees must have equal development opportunities regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, disability or other special characteristics. In cases where, for example, If there are pay differences between men and women with similar tasks, we must actively work to equalize them.
Forced labor
We do not accept forced labor or involuntary or unpaid labor of any kind. This also applies to agreements under coercive conditions and the use of illegal labour. We also do not accept methods that restrict employees' free movement. No one may be kept in work against their will.
Political commitment
We are politically neutral. The name Lissner may not be used to promote the interests of political parties or candidates.
We do not accept corruption, bribery or unfair measures restricting competition. Purchasing, selling and marketing of our products must take place professionally and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. We comply with applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations. Conditions for discounts, commissions and bonuses must be reasonable and disclosed in writing. We may not offer or give payment or other compensation to any person or organization for the purpose of inducing the person or organization to initiate or maintain a business relationship with our company. We may not directly or indirectly request or accept any form of payment or other compensation for the purpose of initiating or maintaining a business relationship.
Areas of conflict
We must ensure that none of our businesses in any way support war, conflict, drugs or the slave trade. This also includes the use of conflict minerals.
Lissner's property and resources
We respect the assets of other companies and protect our tangible and intangible assets from loss, theft, unauthorized access and misuse. Lissner's property and resources must not be used for personal gain, for fraudulent purposes or in any other improper way.
Customers and suppliers
We strive to offer products that meet or exceed customer expectations. We base the relationship with our business partners on sound business and market methods, high ethical standards and fair and clear agreements.
Impartiality and conflicts of interest
Lissner's business dealings must be impartial and all business decisions must be made based on Lissner's best interests without regard to personal relationships or benefits. Conflicts of interest between employees and group companies must be avoided. Employees may not participate in activities that are in conflict with the interests of Lissner or the group.
Healthy competition
We support fair and free competition in all parts of our business. Price collusion and market sharing between competitors, price management by dealers, restriction of innovation, exchange of trade secrets or other measures restricting competition are not permitted. In relation to competitors, Lissner's employees must, among other things, not discuss division of markets, prices or other terms or costs that may affect prices. If a competition authority makes an unannounced control visit, employees must cooperate with the authorities' representatives and must not obstruct the control in any way.
Accounting and reporting
All financial transactions must be recorded and reported in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
We conduct an open dialogue with all business partners. We respond to inquiries from outsiders and communicate with the parties concerned in a concrete and effective manner. Business-related questions can be addressed to Lissner at
Environmental responsibility
Lissner works actively to continuously reduce the direct and indirect environmental impact. Environmental considerations must be included in all important decisions with the aim of creating long-term value for Lissner's customers, employees, shareholders and society in general.
Lissner must comply with tax legislation and tax regulations in all countries where business is conducted.
Application of the code of conduct
We require all employees to comply with the code of conduct. The CEO of Lissner is responsible for implementing the Code of Conduct, informing his employees of their rights and obligations, and ensuring that employees comply with the Code of Conduct. Lissner requires that suppliers adhere to this Code of Conduct or can document their own code of conduct, with similar intentions.
Application of the code of conduct
Every single Lissner employee has the responsibility to report any cases of fraud or other criminal behavior. Detected violations of our code of conduct lead immediately to disciplinary measures – including dismissal and/or legal action in the case of more serious deviations. We encourage employees to report matters that may be in breach of Lissner's code of conduct to the senior manager or the executive board.
+45 7010 1097
Man - tor: 7.00 – 15.30
Fre: 7.00 - 12.00
Fabriksvej 9, 5260 Odense S
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